Interdisciplinary Dialogues: A Greek Doctoral Congress in Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics

On April 5th, our institute hosted a unique Greek Doctoral Congress, blending the rich heritage of Greek mythology with cutting-edge scientific research. This event showcased the work of our doctoral students against the backdrop of the historical theme. The congress featured thorough scientific dialogue and interdisciplinary collaboration, reflecting the breadth of topics being researched at the Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics.

The recent congress was titled ‘Myth to Molecules: Tales of Heroes in the IBP’, and was held at the Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics on Friday, 5th of April. It was a convergence of interdisciplinary research and historical reflection. In addition to the welcome speech, the Greek theme was also reflected in the program booklet, the thoughtful decorations, and menues that would make Dionysos proud.

The academic forum was characterized by an inspiring exchange of ideas, where doctoral students presented their research on biogeochemistry and pollutant dynamics. The twelve presentations and almost thirty posters were well prepared and were met with engaging discussions, showcasing the institute’s dedication to fostering a multidisciplinary approach to the hot topics of todays research.

Special mention went to Sébastien Giroud and Guilhem Panneau, who were honoured for best talk and best poster.

Many thanks to the organisation committee for an excellent PhD Congress, interweaving thematic elements of Greek mythology with the breadth and depth of the interdisciplinary reasearch at our Institute:
Dominic Eriksson, Jana Härri, Stefanie Mayer, Marcel Scheiwiller and Joel Wong